Creates brands for digital environments
For over a decade Love and Money has been at the intersection of brand and digital. We’ve spent our time understanding how to design brands that can thrive in digital environments. How to build digital tools and products that can tell a brand’s unique story. And how to build creative companies that have a both brand + digital at their core.
We’ve learned creativity isn’t just about having great ideas in theory: it’s about understanding how to execute. Because if your brand never comes to life, how will it ever generate value? And we’ve learned that collaboration and iteration is the only way to evolve; to keep learning, to keep growing, and to keep creating something new.
Beta today, better tomorrow.
We’ve also learned that people don’t really read body copy on websites, so here’s a hypereel instead.
What started as a digital brand agency has evolved over the years. We’ve learned creativity isn’t just about having great ideas in theory: it’s about understanding how to execute. Because if your brand never comes to life, how will it ever generate value?
We now have three interdependent teams, working together. Work with just one, two, or all three.
Creates brands for digital environments
Converts brands into digital tools
Taking submissions for 2025 ↗
Co-founds digital companies
Our Memetic Brand Framework™ uses an iteration of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution to create brands that change human behaviour and spread within a (mostly digital) environment.
See the talks we’ve given at Figma’s Config and Brand New Conference, and learn more about how ideas *actually* change the world.
We work with clients who know the world is changing, and see it as an opportunity. We work with innovators who are willing to fail in the short term in order to succeed in the long term. And we work with people who we trust, respect, and would want to have a beer with.
Because life’s too short to do shit work for dickheads.
CMC Markets
OTTO Motors
Karst Stone Paper
Telepathic Instruments
Our most successful projects are the ones where our client partners build on the systems we build them. When we deliver you a brand it’s the first day of its life, not the last. So we don’t try and lock you into contracts that require our designers to roll everything out. We don’t build complex systems only we can use. Instead, we hand over your brand in the tools you actually use: Figma, Shopify, Canva, Sanity, React.JS and ChatGPT.
Our industry doesn’t like to pitch. We believe that, as an industry, we can’t afford not to.
We see a creative pitch as cost of acquisition, and a great way to understand whether or not we’ll work well together. So if you want to see more than a logo board before we get into bed together, ask us. And if you want to read more about our thoughts on it all, check out our Substack below.
Creating something new is, by definition, a task not fully defined. And it’s hard to cost something up if you don’t know the outcome.
If you’re not quite sure what you need, try our free workshop. We’ll ask alarmingly basic questions like who’s going to use your brand, where it actually turns up on the internet, and what your success metrics are.
By the end of it you’ll have quote designed not just for you, but by you.
We’re busy, important, and spread out all across the world. Want to get in touch? Find a Partner in your timezone and book a time. Or just hit the green button.
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